Monday, April 15, 2013

As you prally know already, Jessa was airlifted to ABQ on Friday afternoon.  She had developed HELP syndrome.  Her platlets were low and her liver count high.  After over about 36 hours of test and waiting they knew it was time to take the baby.  Of course for the baby's safety, but most of all because Jessica was in danger. 
At 10;52 AM on Sunday April 14, 2013
we have a new grandson. 
2 lbs 5 oz
14 inches
11 weeks early
Mommy and baby are doing very good. 
God was in that hospital and totally took care mommy and baby. 
It was so awesome to mention to the doctor before she went into the OR that we would be praying for her, she then asked if we wanted to pray right then.  Then she suggested we hold hands and Jared, Tamara, Bruce, myself ad the doctor prayed. (chills huh).
Thank you Lord for taking care of my babies.

1 comment:

  1. Absolutley Precious!!!! Congratulations on your little bundle of joy! God is good!!!!!
