Monday, January 2, 2012

Jan 2, 2011

Okay I am a day late on getting something posted on Jan 1, so we will get started now.

I have never been one to make new years resolutions, but this year I am striving to make the world a better place for those around me. God has blessed Bruce and I so much and I beleive we are to share our blessings with others. By doing so I know he will bless me even more. Each day of my life is truly a gift from Him and the amazing people he has put into my life is beyond words, Bruce is the greatest of husbands, Tamara and Jessica, who could ask for or want better daughters/friends, Jason and Jared, let me tell you the story, I now love so much. When I was pregnant with Tamara if she had been a boy his name would have been David, and when I was pregnant with Jessa if I had would have had a boy his name would have been Jason, well Tamara married Jason and Jessa married Jared, who by the way has the middle name of David. God truly knew what he was doing all before we got into the planning. Jake, Jonas, Maddox, Amaya, Jeremiah and now soon to be baby girl Pope, being a gamma is awesome. They are just the best g-kids around. And I couldn't forget get the amazing friends I have cherished for so many long years.
See I told you I am blessed, it's just so so wonderful. I love my life, yes there are those ups and downs, but with the support group God has given me and His amazing love it goes on and just gets better.
To you reading this, I love you for you and thanks for being apart of my life. Enjoy my year of photos and memories it's gonna be a fun year.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for letting me to be a part of your life. I will cherish our friendship forever. Your family is special to me too and I have enjoyed keeping up with all that you do with them. God has blessed you with a wonderful husband and family, you are blessed and so are they to have you. I commend you for keeping up with your blog page and always look forward to seeing what is going on in the life of the Haleys! Thanks for being you!! Love you all
