Let me try to explain the Jennings home to you.
The front door is just right of where the trailer is. The trailer is right in front of the office/play room. The window to the right of the door way is the dinning room. The two windows together are the garage.
The windows on top, far left is Maddox room, long window over the door is a bathroom, and the next window on the right is Amaya's room. There will be another bedroom over the garage.

From this corner is the front of the house on the right, on the left is facing west. First window at the corner is the office/play room, above is Maddox room, center on the left is a bathroom, far left is the living room, the window upstairs is the living room that will be open to the upstairs.

Okay now we are on the back side of the house. The door way goes into the living room, the nook window downstairs is a breakfast nook, the window just left of the nook is the kitchen. Now above is the open living room window, the one of the nook will be in their bedroom as is the one over the kitchen.
I hope all that made sence. They were busy inside pouring cement in the utility room so didn't take any pics in there, next time.
Wow. Great progress. I am so happy for you guys!!