Today Jessa got her hair cut to donate for locks for love.

Looks great Jessa, l love it!

Amaya wanted to fix grandads hair. She asked me for the thing to make a pony and she had the hair clippies, so cute.
Guess Jessa wasn't the only one getting her hair done today.
Tamara and I couldn't stop laughing.

While Tamara and Bruce and the boys were out on 4 wheelers I was the lucky one and stayed home with my little Tatum.

Today Tatum is 1 month old. Wow she is growing so much and is just so adorable.
Jessica's hair looks so cute. What a heart she has to cut it for such a great purpose.........Dont tell Bruce but I was laughing at Amaya wanting to fix grandad's hair. She has quite an imagination. LOL.......Happy 1 month old Tatum. She is a doll and getting so big.