Tuesday, February 18, 2014

It's Tuesday with the Miah's (Amaya & Jeremiah, so much easier than always writing or saying their names)
First the park, then just being farm kids.  

Sybil and Ramsey had a gender revealing party to find out what the baby will be.
As you can see ITS A BOY!!!!
Sybil was really caught off guard, she thought for sure it was a girl.  Ramsey was THRILLED to say the least. 
(sorry the picture was blurry)
I hear the name is Daniel John. 
Congrats Rottman's!!!

Saturday, February 8, 2014

 Jonas 5th place
 Maddox 2nd place
 Jake 5th place
All three boys are in Bible quizzing at church, now study the book of Genesis. Great way to learn the bible.  Today they had a quiz meet with other kids from around the state.  Jonas and Maddox are in one level and Jake in another. 
Great job my boys, so proud of you!!!!

Friday, February 7, 2014

 Tamara & Tatum
 Jana and her red watch
 Jessie on the way to take care of the children at the hospital.
 Jessa & Miles
Tracy at work.

The month of February is women's heart health month.  Today Feb 7 was wear red day to support women's heart health. Did you realize that heart disease is the number one killer of women today.  It kills more than all cancers.  1 out of 3 women will die from heart disease.  There is no need for this tragedy.  My mom died over 3 years ago and my mother in law over 9 years ago, both of heart disease.  Here are some of my favorite ladies (and Miles) wearing red today.  Don't let this happen to the ladies you love.  Stay informed.