Saturday, July 30, 2011

July 30, 2011

I love my sunflowers, and this year alot of them came up on their own from last year.

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Vacation in Galvaston TX

The beach was awesome and the kids, old and young

had the best time.

In July we got the honor of watching the Pope boys while Tamara and Jason went to Hawaii for their 10th anniversary. Wow, hard to beleive it's been 10 years. We had a great time with the kids, maybe more fun than they had in Hawaii. Here's a glimpse

In July Jason finished his 7 years of medical school/training. He graduated from the residency program which completed all his training. What an acheivement Jason, we are so proud of you. In August he will begin working in the ER at ENMMC.

We did our usual July 4th burgers and fireworks. Love getting a picture of the kids in their red,white and blue.

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

I sure got behind on my blog lately. Sorry! Here are the Fathers in our lives. You guys are amazing, love you guys. You are doing a great job. Words can't express how much you mean to me.

July 27, 2011