Friday, December 23, 2011

( no we didn't form the heart in the wreath, just happened)

The snow has been coming down since Thurs night. I just love the feel in the air, the stew on the stove, the excitment in everyone you meet.

It's Christmas!

Dec 23, 2011

Last night Jonas and Maddox had their Noah's Ark Christmas program. I just love a childrens program, they know how to touch your heart.

Just look at the emotion, praying, singing, the motions, wow, they are great!!

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Dec 20, 2011

Yesterday we took the kids to Lubbock to do the polar express train ride. It tells the story as the book and movie does. It was alot of fun, we had a great time. The ride itself is only a hour long, with the train enginer, bakers, elves and of course santa coming along. Our train ride extended to 3 hours long when going through an intersection a person in a little red mustang decided to go around the road blocks and beat the train, well she didn't succede and she hit the train. The crew on the train was excellent and entertained us the whole time, playing with the kids, but most of all the kids were excellent, they were tired, but did a great job waiting it out.

Sunday, December 18, 2011

Today at church the kids did their Christmas program. Jake was the snow man, and did a great job as one of the major parts of the play. Jonas a jack-in-the-box, Maddox was a baseball player, and Amaya an angel (who by the way stole the show wiht her dancing and being all girly not knowing or caring anyone was looking). It was one of the best programs. Great job kids.

Dec 18, 2011

Thursday, December 15, 2011

This would be the 3rd generation to sit in these chairs at

Chewning Footwear.

I did, Tamara and Jessica did, and now

Amaya & Jeremiah.

After more than 50 years of business they are now

closing the store.

Dec 15,2011


Monday, December 12, 2011

In case you can't tell they are hiding. I asked

them what they were doing and that is what they told me.

"we are hiding"

All the boys made their own Mr. Potatoe head.

Very creative Jake

Reading the funnies

These two get vicious when they box.

Oh and did we happen to mention,

It's a Girl!!

Jeremiah's first driving lesson.

There is nothing so beautiful as the first snow. This was awesome, and the moisture from it is so needed.

In November we hosted the African Childrens choir at church. Bruce and I had the best time have one of the sponsors and two of the children stay with us for two nights. What adorable, polite, sweet boys there were.

Saturday, November 26, 2011

Nov 24, 2011

We had a great day on Thanksgiving, hope you did also. We went down and ate at Virgil's for lunch and then took the afternoon for doing nothing and then fixed dinner/supper here and then Jason was off and got to eat with us.

So many blessings and so little space to write them all in. I love what God has blessed me with and am thrilled to be living this life.

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Nov 19, 2011

I don't know how many pecan pies (on the left) and choc. pecan pies (on the right) my mom made for me when we had the pecan store. 1000 or more in the 9 years we had the store. Sure did miss you while I was baking these.

Nov 19, 2011

What a beautiful fall day to play outside, and what wonderful helpers in raking up the leaves and pine needles.

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Jeremiah and Krew Valincia I think Jer liked not being the baby for a day.

nov 16, 2011

Finally g-dad and the boys finished putting together the vortex, and the kids love it.